You are one step closer to reduce Teeth Grinding


Only £14.99

Audio length 27mins 48

This Stop Bruxism Teeth Grinding hypnosis audio track includes binaural beats as a backing track to firmly get to the deeper parts of your subconsious mind. There are powerful hypnotic commands to transform your mind and your beliefs. This audio was developed in 2012 my little daughter was 5 at the time and was grinding her teeth in her sleep.

I was a newly qualified hypnotherapist and I decided to experiment and give her hypnotic suggestions and phrases whispered in her ears as she slept. I was commanding that her jaw was loose and relaxed etc. In just 4 evenings of repeated suggestions for 15 to 20 mins all her months of teeth grinding had stopped. The following week I just repeated it 2 more times.

A few years later a client came to me with severe head pain and jaw clenching and teeth grinding, her chiropractor sent her to me as she was on daily strong pain medication. I did some therapy to release traumatic events but I also created this audio specifically for her and the results were amazing. You can watch her testimonial video below. I have used this audio to help many many clients stop teeth grinding or bruxism ever since.

You will need repeated listening daily until you notice results. Some will notice immediate effects some listeners will need frequent listening until the habit is gone and the subconsious mind has firmly imprinted all the suggestions.

This will allow your mind to settle down for optimum rest. If you are suffering from stress work out how you can remove yourself from stress causing issues.

Everyone is busy but making time for your mental health is important to feeling good. This is a hypnosis track and will activate your subconscious mind to create lasting change and wellness.

The more you listen the better you will feel.

I hope you enjoy listening to this audio

Thank you Wahida

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